Mouse Fluoxetine VS Control for NoStressed in Dentate Gyrus

This section corresponds to the third meta-analysis requested by El Chérif. Note GSE54307 is only a 1 VS 1 comparison.

Table 4.11: Mapping between ids and designs used in the integration plots below
design_ids designs
1-GSE118669 GSE118669-FluoxetineVsVehicle
2-GSE54307 GSE54307-FluoxetineVsVehicle
3-GSE6476 GSE6476-FluoxetineVsControl
4-GSE84185 GSE84185-FluoxetineVsControlForNoStressedInDentateGyrus
5-SRP057486 SRP057486-FluoxetineVsVehicleForBrainCA1NonShocked
Alphabetically-sorted genes significant in at least one comparison (padj < 0.05). + and – signs highlight respectively upregulated and downregulated genes (|logFoldChange| > 0.1 and raw pvalue < 0.05).

Figure 4.102: Alphabetically-sorted genes significant in at least one comparison (padj < 0.05). + and – signs highlight respectively upregulated and downregulated genes (|logFoldChange| > 0.1 and raw pvalue < 0.05).

The xlsx table with all genes is available here

Consensus-sorted genes significant in at least one comparison (p-value < 0.05 and p-value rank < 301). + and – signs highlight respectively upregulated and downregulated genes (|logFoldChange| > 0.1 and raw pvalue < 0.05). Underlying table is available [here](xlsx/resultsIntegrationOriginalSpecieMouseFluoxetineVsControlForNoStressedConsensus.xlsx)

Figure 4.103: Consensus-sorted genes significant in at least one comparison (p-value < 0.05 and p-value rank < 301). + and – signs highlight respectively upregulated and downregulated genes (|logFoldChange| > 0.1 and raw pvalue < 0.05). Underlying table is available here