Normal shrinkage
## [1] "Intercept"                        "tissue_Brain.BLA_vs_Brain.ACC"   
## [3] "tissue_Brain.CA1_vs_Brain.ACC"    "tissue_Brain.CeA_vs_Brain.ACC"   
## [5] "tissue_Brain.NAc_vs_Brain.ACC"    "tissue_Brain.PrL_vs_Brain.ACC"   
## [7] "treatment_Shocked_vs_Non.Shocked" "drug_Fluoxetine_vs_Vehicle"
Volcano plot. 0 significant genes according to Pvalue < 0.05 and |log2FoldChange| > 0.5 are highlighted in red and available in [this table](DT/resultsRnaseqSRP057486FluoxetineVsVehicleWithTissueAndTreatmentAsCovariatesNormalKnitPostDeseq2PlotVolcanoDeseq2.html).

Figure 4.13: Volcano plot. 0 significant genes according to Pvalue < 0.05 and |log2FoldChange| > 0.5 are highlighted in red and available in this table.

  • No Enrichr results for deregulated genes because there are none
  • No Enrichr results for upregulated genes because there are none
  • No Enrichr results for downregulated genes because there are none
  • No g:Profiler results for deregulated genes because there are none
  • No g:Profiler results for upregulated genes because there are none
  • No g:Profiler results for downregulated genes because there are none