## [1] "Intercept"                               
## [2] "group_stress.fluoxetine_vs_stress.saline"
## [3] "group_stress.albiflorin_vs_stress.saline"
## [4] "group_control.saline_vs_stress.saline"
Volcano plot. 1 significant genes according to Pvalue < 0.05 and |log2FoldChange| > 0.5 are highlighted in red and available in [this table](DT/resultsRnaseqSRP131063FluoxetineVsSalineForStressedNormalKnitPostDeseq2PlotVolcanoDeseq2.html).

Figure 4.67: Volcano plot. 1 significant genes according to Pvalue < 0.05 and |log2FoldChange| > 0.5 are highlighted in red and available in this table.

  • Enrichr results for all deregulated genes are available here
  • Enrichr results for upregulated genes are available here
  • No Enrichr results for downregulated genes because there are none
  • g:Profiler results for all deregulated genes are available here
  • g:Profiler results for all upregulated genes are available here
  • No g:Profiler results for downregulated genes because there are none
  • g:Profiler results for comparison of the three queries above are available here