DTU Fluoxetine VS Methylcellulose
## Progress:   1 on 100  Progress:   2 on 100  Progress:   3 on 100  Progress:   4 on 100  Progress:   5 on 100  Progress:   6 on 100  Progress:   7 on 100  Progress:   8 on 100  Progress:   9 on 100  Progress:  10 on 100  Progress:  11 on 100  Progress:  12 on 100  Progress:  13 on 100  Progress:  14 on 100  Progress:  15 on 100  Progress:  16 on 100  Progress:  17 on 100  Progress:  18 on 100  Progress:  19 on 100  Progress:  20 on 100  Progress:  21 on 100  Progress:  22 on 100  Progress:  23 on 100  Progress:  24 on 100  Progress:  25 on 100  Progress:  26 on 100  Progress:  27 on 100  Progress:  28 on 100  Progress:  29 on 100  Progress:  30 on 100  Progress:  31 on 100  Progress:  32 on 100  Progress:  33 on 100  Progress:  34 on 100  Progress:  35 on 100  Progress:  36 on 100  Progress:  37 on 100  Progress:  38 on 100  Progress:  39 on 100  Progress:  40 on 100  Progress:  41 on 100  Progress:  42 on 100  Progress:  43 on 100  Progress:  44 on 100  Progress:  45 on 100  Progress:  46 on 100  Progress:  47 on 100  Progress:  48 on 100  Progress:  49 on 100  Progress:  50 on 100  Progress:  51 on 100  Progress:  52 on 100  Progress:  53 on 100  Progress:  54 on 100  Progress:  55 on 100  Progress:  56 on 100  Progress:  57 on 100  Progress:  58 on 100  Progress:  59 on 100  Progress:  60 on 100  Progress:  61 on 100  Progress:  62 on 100  Progress:  63 on 100  Progress:  64 on 100  Progress:  65 on 100  Progress:  66 on 100  Progress:  67 on 100  Progress:  68 on 100  Progress:  69 on 100  Progress:  70 on 100  Progress:  71 on 100  Progress:  72 on 100  Progress:  73 on 100  Progress:  74 on 100  Progress:  75 on 100  Progress:  76 on 100  Progress:  77 on 100  Progress:  78 on 100  Progress:  79 on 100  Progress:  80 on 100  Progress:  81 on 100  Progress:  82 on 100  Progress:  83 on 100  Progress:  84 on 100  Progress:  85 on 100  Progress:  86 on 100  Progress:  87 on 100  Progress:  88 on 100  Progress:  89 on 100  Progress:  90 on 100  Progress:  91 on 100  Progress:  92 on 100  Progress:  93 on 100  Progress:  94 on 100  Progress:  95 on 100  Progress:  96 on 100  Progress:  97 on 100  Progress:  98 on 100  Progress:  99 on 100  Progress: 100 on 100
##  7597     5
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
##                        log2FC    qvalue
##                     <numeric> <numeric>
## ENSRNOT00000010308  0.0729439  0.002000
## ENSRNOT00000084530  0.0500894  0.002000
## ENSRNOT00000027677 -0.0472291  0.002000
## ENSRNOT00000015325 -0.0470160  0.002000
## ENSRNOT00000015152  0.0463497  0.002000
## ENSRNOT00000092477 -0.0901001  0.158571

##        sign.lfc
## sig       -1    0    1
##   FALSE 3697   10 3890
##   TRUE     2    0    3

Figure 4.68: Top upregulated isoforms

Figure 4.69: Top downregulated isoforms

The complete table for all transcripts passing the labelKeep default filter is available here.

Distribution of inferential replicates for the top upregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

Figure 4.70: Distribution of inferential replicates for the top upregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

Distribution of inferential replicates for the top downregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

Figure 4.71: Distribution of inferential replicates for the top downregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

TPM, isoform proportion and raw counts for the top upregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

Figure 4.72: TPM, isoform proportion and raw counts for the top upregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

TPM, isoform proportion and raw counts for the top downregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

Figure 4.73: TPM, isoform proportion and raw counts for the top downregulated isoform, for each sample, splitted by condition

MA-plot with blue-highlighted genes corresponding to those with qvalue < 0.1

Figure 4.74: MA-plot with blue-highlighted genes corresponding to those with qvalue < 0.1